‘Effective’ ensures that the Mina Protocol’s governance delivers on the decisions that need to be made for protocol changes and ecosystem funding.
‘Aligned’ ensures these decisions meet the wishes of the Mina community based on common values, such as Mina’s CORE values.
To be effective and aligned, the Mina Protocol’s governance should possess the following attributes:
Workstream | Top-level Initiative | Status | Comment |
MIP Upgrade | Mina Improvement Proposals & On-Chain Voting (MIPs & OCV) | 28.01: Incorporating feedback | |
Next update: before 28.02 | The MIP Upgrade proposal is available in the MIP GitHub repository. The team is incorporating gathered feedback and conducting a final proposal review. |
There’s a MinaResearch thread where more detailed updates are available: https://forums.minaprotocol.com/t/upgrading-the-mip-process/6464/20
There’s a community call scheduled to discuss the most recent updates to the proposal: https://discord.gg/minaprotocol?event=1331194403687104532 | | MEF open discussion | Mina Ecosystem Funding (MEF) | 28.01: In Progress Next update: before 28.02 | The team invites the community to discuss Mina Ecosystem Funding, a community-governed funding process that supports longer-term decentralized and sustainable funding for projects built on Mina. There’s a MinaResearch thread where everyone is invited to share their thoughts: https://forums.minaprotocol.com/t/mina-ecosystem-funding-a-new-funding-process-for-mina-and-results-and-learning-from-the-first-mef-tests/6780
There’s a community call scheduled to discuss the published blog posts and get more insights from the initial tests: https://discord.gg/minaprotocol?event=1331194403687104532 | | Tokenomics Review and Recommendation | Mina Ecosystem Funding (MEF) | 28.01: In Progress Next update: before 28.02 | Work realigned with original RFP: Economics Design is now preparing an in-depth study of Mina’s current tokenomics structure. This will be followed by a comparison with other ecosystems, and a decision matrix for potential changes. | | Research Blogpost | Governance Research & Knowledge-Sharing | 28.01: Published Next update: before 28.02 | Published a draft about building trust in Mina’s delegation processes: https://forums.minaprotocol.com/t/building-trust-in-mina-s-delegation-processes/6766
Published a blog about building trust in Mina’s delegation processes: https://minaprotocol.com/blog/building-trust-in-minas-delegation-processes | | LeaderBot | Protocol Governance Toolkit (PGT) | 28.01: In Progress Next update: before 28.02 | January daily results are updated automatically and open for community feedback: https://discord.com/channels/484437221055922177/1326110185038675999
Program Guidelines: ****https://minafoundation.notion.site/Community-Leaderboard-Program-Guidelines-28d2d85498554c448bb3a3206eb3ca74 | | GovBot | Protocol Governance Toolkit (PGT) | 28.01: In Progress Next update: before 28.02 | Open source GitHub repo: https://github.com/MinaFoundation/PGT_govbot
The team is performing internal tests with the updated version of the platform. Once finished, there’ll be a next community-wide test.
There’s a community call scheduled to share some details about the internal tests: https://discord.gg/minaprotocol?event=1331194403687104532 | | Illuminate Town Halls | Public communication | 28.01: Scheduled Next update: before 28.02 | Next Illuminate Town Hall is planned to be published soon as a MinaResearch thread for async updates. | | Governance AMA Calls | Public communication | 28.01: Done Next update: before 28.02 | The Governance AMA happened on 23.01. The recording is available here: https://youtu.be/SM21TY1kn-U |